Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Poverty In America

Poverty in America and the conditions of many low-income communities are frighteningly being ignored and overlooked. Many homeless individuals are regarded as subhuman second-class citizens, but what makes a man less then a man? Is it his skin tone, what he wears, or is it how much money he possesses. It was only about 50 years ago when Colored, African descendants, Negros, Black,etc...were considered second-class citizens. However now that Colored individuals seem to have the same rights by law as any other citizen in America, prejudice views have seeped into a new face of wrongful hate. I am personally tired of seeing others turn their noses up to a struggling human being that may not have much to offer. I think the best think one can do in this life is to help someone else in need that can do nothing for you. Remember a life is priceless so treat others with dignity and love we are all connected and we are all apart of one another..."When you find yourself in touch with nature you find yourself in touch with the ALL..."

!!!!!Graduation Day!!!!

May 23th, 2009 was officially my last day as a High School Senior and my very First day as an Honor Graduate of Miller Grove High School and a first year freshmen at CalArts (California Institute of the Arts). I am overjoyed with sadness and happiness as I close one chapter and set forth on a new period in my life...I have come to the realization that this is not the end but rather the beginning. Although there will be times when I fall it is the comeback that means most of all.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I was out with friends celebrating my 18th birthday!!! I'm going to miss my friends!!! after I move to LA, California in September. Bye guys I'm on to studying and progressing in the performing arts at CalArts.....HollyWood here I come, then its on to Broadway and Europe!!!

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    Chris Braz was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan and has passionately performed in theatrical productions since the age of six in youth training programs such as Destination Imagination, Youth Ensemble of Atlanta (YEA), some of his credits include Endangered Species (Ensemble), War and Changes (Ensemble), Two Trains Running (Memphis), The Lottery (Dickie/ Old Man Warner), in Film Security Man (Thug), Internet Awareness PSA (Man #2), Disney's “Lights, Motor, Action” (Good Guy #2), in Television Life in the ATL (Bully), Voiceover Voter Registration PSA (Male Voice #1), Highlights of Career becoming a participant in Disney’s Dreamers Academy with Steve Harvey, and performing in Memphis, Tennessee, for the 40th Anniversary of Martin Luther King’s Assassination. Currently he is represented by Houghton Talent, Inc. Agency (To book call 404-603-9454) located in Atlanta, Georgia. Chris has always enjoyed communicating with people, as an artist he believes one has to be able to observe people and analyze a situation in order to best imitate human actions on stage because theatre is nothing more than a reflection of how reality is perceived.
